Why animation ?

And how exciting the production process is.

Revolutionary concepts, innovative technologies, products, or ideas tend to go unnoticed at their initial stage of development, which makes it hard to reach wider audience. This is place where an Animating Video helps. An Explainer Video, Promotional Video or Commercial in a form of a short professional animation is a great communication tool. Well selected tools ensure that your message presented as an animated story becomes much more memorable to the viewer than any text or static graphics.

Animation is an increasingly popular medium on the web, as it offers a wide range of communication possibilities and an opportunity to capture the viewer’s attention for a longer while. Animated videos are not limited by any visual constraints.

First steps & Storyboarding

After we have been found out your goals and story that you want to share, we will create a script and start to create a storyboard that illustrates what gonna happen in your animation.

Concept Art & Illustration

When the storyboard is ready, it's time to find the perfect style for your animation. We design characters, graphics, typography and all elements that build your video.

Animation & Postproduction

When illustrations and storyboard are approved, it is time to bring life to your project. From now on we create and combine all elements like Animations, sounds, music and voice over, when it's done, your video is ready to launch.

Let's create great things together.

Get in touch.